Blueberry Cove Newfoundland

Blueberry Cove is south of Placentia Newfoundland about 3 miles. Green's Light is about 1 mile north. This view is looking down from above from about 250 feet. I and my friends used to go here to scuba dive, camp and hike. there are some precarious sheep trails along the cliff. Oil on Panel. 12" X 16" Private Collection.

Rush Creek

This painting was hanging in Missouri State Senator Delbert Scott's office in Jefferson City Missouri. he has since retired from politics. Acrylic on Panel, 18" 24" Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Scott Collection.


This early 1950's vintage Chevy sits on the Younce family's property. It looks like it is eating weeds. i put this painting on Saatchi and sold a print to woman in Surrey England. Acrylic on Panel, 
18" X 24".

Old Barn Watercolor

This was an attempt to use acrylic paint as watercolor. I first primed the Masonite panel with white latex paint. Very unconventional. Acrylic on Panel,18" X 20" Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frazier Collection.

Old Lowry City Methodist Church

This old church has seen better days, but it has a kind of charm. It is now used as a storage facility by one of our townsfolk. Acrylic on Panel, 18" X 24".

Out West

This was done from my imagination. I have seen places like it. i have always liked the Hudson River painters. Oil on Panel, 12" X  20"